
Addiction being a family disease, we organize Individual & Group Counseling sessions on a monthly basis to create awareness among the patients and family members. We also organize visits to the patient’s home by our team of trained counselors and voluntary staff.
The committee of staff, trusties & members, all having real life experiences in the field of addiction, discuss problems, crisis, pain, frustrations and their solutions with recovering addicts/ alcoholics. They share their love, care and concern to give hope and strength to the family members, and not to give up but keep trying.

Individual Counseling Service
Individual Counseling support sessions are available during treatment serve as a time for patients to meet one-on-one with Counsellors, Psychiatrists and other treatment professionals in a confidential setting. These sessions can be a time for individuals to find the root cause of addiction, process their experiences in treatment, ask any questions they may have, and celebrate recovery successes. In an intensive outpatient program setting, these therapy sessions are most commonly held weekly or bi-weekly and on an as-needed basis.

Group Therapy
Group Counselling sessions are generally the chief counseling component of treatment process. The number and types of groups that meet will vary from program to program and are based on the needs of the participants. Some groups may be specialized and focused on a single type of client, such as gender, sexual orientation, or abuse survivors. These therapy sessions are led by professionals that facilitate topics of discussions that are relevant to the needs of the individuals who are taking part in the program. These sessions not only allow patients to receive valuable education and advice on addiction topics that pertain to them, but also give and receive support from peers. Group therapy fosters an environment where people in similar situations can provide acceptance, support, comfort, and honest feedback for one another.

Family Therapy Service
Treatment process also includes family counselling services. Studies show that including an individual’s family members into the treatment process significantly increases the chances of maintaining lasting sobriety. Family therapy also allows family members to become educated on the issues of addiction and understand exactly what it is that their loved one is going through. As with individualized counseling, family therapy is often held only when needed.

Spiritual Therapy Service
The availability and implementation of spiritual therapies in treatment process offer some form of complementary treatment. Common Spiritual therapies include art therapy, yoga, adventure therapy, acupuncture, and spiritual sessions. These therapies are designed to treat an individual as a whole, rather than just one component of that person’s behaviors or symptoms. These techniques can foster a greater likelihood of long-term recovery as it can help patients feel more at ease and productive during the treatment process.