Who We Are
Nirashrit Mahila Bal Vikas Gramodhyog Shiksha Samiti is a Non-profit Organization registered in 1986 under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, of 1958. Samiti has been involved in the field of drug user counseling, screening, medical treatment and rehabilitation for almost 30 years. Apart from this Samiti is also working in the field of education to deprived classes, family counseling, and environment and for senior citizens. We provide counseling, referral and rehabilitative services to women and children who are victim of atrocities, family maladjustments and social ostracism and also create awareness and mobilize public opinion on social issues affecting status of women.
Our mission:
To promote social change and development, social cohesion, and the empowerment and liberation of people by following the principles of social justice, human rights, collective responsibility and respect for diversities with the available resources in the society.
Our objective:
To create awareness and educate people about the health & socio economic ill effects of alcoholism and substance abuse on the individual, the family, workplace and society.
Our Vision:
To become the significant social group to help the society in fighting against the Alcoholism and substance abuse, educate the deprived and become strong help to the needy.

What We Do
—We Provide Care
Getting sober on your own is not only dangerous during the initial detox, it is also more likely to result in a relapse later on. Our Drug De-Addiction programs provides a monitored environment where you will get the medical attention you need, as well as the emotional support to overcome Alcoholism and Substance abuse.
— We Consult
Addiction being a family disease, we organize Individual & Group Counseling sessions on a monthly basis to create awareness among the patients and family members. We also organize visits to the patient’s home by our team of trained counselors and voluntary staff.
Our staff share their love, care and concern to give hope and strength to the family members, and not to give up but keep trying.
— We Strengthen
We provide counseling, referral and rehabilitative services to Drug Victims as well as women and children who are victim of atrocities, family mal- adjustments and social ostracism. We are arranging suitable rehabilitation services for the victims and their dependents. We are working in close collaboration with the local administration, police, courts, free legal aid cells, medical and psychiatric institutions, vocational training centers etc.
— We Educate
We are working in the field of education to those who needs it most. Our organisation is running school for destitute and believes that every child from destitute classes can be guided towards success and also can be groomed to be a successful human being. It is benefitting the deprived class of SC students with motto of making their bright future.
Impact Stories
Treatment was the best thing that ever happened to me and truly did help save my life.
-Gajendra Singh, recovered addict
Treatment was a blessing. To be able to actually look at why I used rather than figuring out how [to use] on a daily basis taught me about who I am.
-Mahendra, Recovered Patient